Ms. Holly's School of Horsemanship
Here’s some lessons we might enjoy:
Balance Barrels – We will “ride” real saddles on our pretend barrel horses and learn more
about horse sports while we practice balancing. We will have a race at the end to see who can ride the barrels the best!.
Horse Anatomy – We will brush the horses, or just sit close to them and learn about their
bodies and how they use them. Fun take-home coloring pages are prizes for the day.
Horse Psychology – We will brush the horses, or just sit close to them and learn how they think and why. Fun take-home coloring pages are prizes for the day.
Horse First Aid – We will earn about common horse injuries and illnesses and practice
bandaging the horses boo-boos. We’ll talk about veterinarians, farriers and other professionals who help horses feel better. Our “patient” will get some horse cookies when we’re done.
HORSE WASH! – On a hot day, we can give one of the ARE horses a bath. We will learn about
horse anatomy and products for proper horse care. After we are done, we’ll take some neat
Let’s Draw Horses! – Learn more about horse anatomy while you practice drawing one! Our
real life horse models wiggle around a lot so we will draw some pretty funny pictures! Take
home your art!
Let’s Paint Horses! - We will learn about how Native Americans decorated their horses and
why. After we get the horses brushed, we will paint our own pony with a cool symbol we
Let’s Paint Horses 2.0! – This time we will use paint, brushes and pre-stretched canvasses to
create works of art inspired by horses that are right here with us! You can take your new work
of art home.
Saddles, Bridles & Bits, Oh my! – We will learn about TACK, what it is, what it looks like, the
names of the parts and pieces as well as the whole thing.
Sittin’ in the Saddle – We will sit in real saddles and talk about how we use our bodies to
communicate with the horse. There’s a few fun exercises we might try too. We can play around the world too. Treasure chest prizes after we’re done!
Horse Stories – Its like book club in the barn! Horse have been such a helpful partner for us
humans for a long time. There’s loads of stories about them. On a really cold day, we’ll sit in the big barn, next to the fireplace, with horse blankets over our legs and read stories that feature horses. Real horses, tucked in their stalls will listen along. We might even want to make up a story about one of them.

If its too hot, we will head to the shade or duck inside the breezy barns that have lots of big
If its too cold, we will stay warm in front of the fireplace (electric of course!) in the Big Barn
Classroom where the big horses stay.
We might do crafts and coloring pages, play horsey contests and games or do funny exercises.
We might read a story or tell a few to the horses who listen really well. We will have plenty of
hands on harmonious moments, all the while learning about our equine friends and all the
things that go along with them.
Inclement weather means we may not be able to ride, but there’s lots we can do with the horses and still be safe and comfortable, not to mention, learn a whole bunch about the horses that we love so much. Students will enjoy a classroom in the barn made special just for them.